Thursday, December 22, 2011

Constructive Decisions

What is something you are really against? Lying? Cheating? Couples living together before marriage? Gay marriage? Abortion?

Take this thing you are really against. Say someone you love deeply is participating in this lifestyle. Say they are in a relationship built off of lies or cheating or premarital sex... They invite you to a wedding, asking you to be a witness and a supporter of a marriage you cannot approve. Would you go? Would you walk your daughter down the aisle to a lier?

We talked about this issue last night in my small group. The Bible says to love our neighbors, but it also clearly states in the Bible that we are to live in this world but not of it ("Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him" -1 John 2:15)

As Christians, we are set apart. As Christians we are supposed to look different because we have the hope of the Holy Spirit in us.

In the discussion last night, we talked about healthy decisions. We talked about what lifestyles to support. Then we trailed into talking about tattoos. Is it biblical to get them? Is it wrong? Our leader Kurt gave us this verse: 1 Corinthians 10:23 "I have the right to do anything", you say-- but not everything is beneficial. "I have the right to do anything"-- but not everything is constructive"

So that's why God calls us to look different from the world. Not all things are beneficial for me to do. A tattoo might stop me from getting a really good job. Supporting a gay marriage might make others believe this lifestyle is beneficial because a Christian was a witness to the marriage. Sinning in any kind of way, seeking any selfish desire, lusting after an attractive person, thinking impure thoughts, all of these things are not beneficial. It makes me think sinful things. The mind is a beautiful thing and I should be training it to think godly thoughts.

As Christians, we should be be thinking through out actions and attitudes. Will this further advance the kingdom of God? Will this hinder someone's walk? As Christians, we are called to be intentional, thoughtful, courageous in our actions..

May the power of the Holy Spirit guide you today. May you think His thoughts, being driven by what is beneficial for the kingdom of God.

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